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BIO 1000


Topic 2 questions

  • oWhat is science?
  • oWhat are the characteristics of a scientific explanation?
  • oWhich characteristics of science set it apart from other ways of looking at the world?
  • Is science the only tool we need to develop solutions to environmental problems?



  • Introduction, Ch. 1, 2, & 25


What is the difference between environmentalism & environmental science?

Examples of environmental activism

Radio stories/podcasts:

On-line resources:

Autism News Reports & Studies

note: The above CNN iReport article has a headline that does not accurately represent the findings reported in the associated research article.

note: The above Daily Mail article is from 2002 and references a study whose results were not verified or reproduced in the subsequent 12 years.

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copyright © 2011 Mike Phillips (includes all photos)
last updated: 08/15/18