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GEL 1005


Back to Week 4: Floods!

On-line flood map resources: Federal Emergency Management Agency:

  1. Go to https://msc.fema.gov/portal/home
  2. Type your address (or just your town) into the search box under "Looking for a Flood Map?"
  3. You will go to a page with a map of your area. You may need to zoom in or drag the map area around a bit to see the nearest floodplain. (Go to NFHL Viewer is a good option to look around.)

To get a copy of the map, you can:

  1. Click on "Dynamic Map" and follow the instructions
  2. Click on "Map Image" (this will download a file of the entire flood hazard map as a pdf file).
  3. If you went to the NFHL Viewer, use the NFHL Print Tool

To put a portion of the map into another document, such as a report, you can take a screen shot of the map and paste it into the document.

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last updated: 2023-02-19