GEL 1005


This is an introductory course in the study of the interactions between human activities and hazardous natural processes. An overview of modern concepts in geology and other earth sciences is followed by an in-depth examination of natural hazards including the nature of hazards, human impacts on hazardous processes, the impact of hazards on humans, and human responses to hazards. This course provides instruction in applied geology and other earth sciences and scientific reasoning that is useful to all students.


The following IVCC institutional learning goals will be addressed in this course:

  • Communication – to communicate effectively
  • Inquiry – to apply critical, logical, creative, aesthetic, or quantitative analytical reasoning to formulate a judgement or conclusion


Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Understand how science works and the characteristics of natural hazards.
  • Understand risk assessment as it is applied to natural hazards.
  • Understand hazardous geologic processes and the interactions between humans and those processes.
  • Understand the resources available for the study of natural hazards.
  • Express insight and judgment with regard to future options that may lessen the impact of natural hazards.
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copyright © 2020 Mike Phillips (includes all photos)
last updated: 2024-01-14