GEL 1007
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Note: These are examples of how to report human-induced hazards, your report should discuss more than two hazards. (Your discussion can also be more in-depth.)

Human-Induced Hazards

Leaky Underground Storage Tanks: According to the state of Illinois EPA, there are several leaking underground storage tank sites (LUSTs) in my area. The closest one to my home is about three blocks away, and is currently occupied by a gas station, Gus's Service and Fill. There is another one, about a mile away, at Bill's One Stop, which is also a gas station. The Sanborn Fire Insurance Map form 1944 shows a gas station with two underground storage tanks (marked GT on Map #4) one block from my house at the corner of 1st and Main Streets; this site is now occupied by an ice cream stand. According to Fire Chief Bill Jones, the two LUST sites have been cleaned up. Chief Jones believes that the gas tanks at the ice cream shop are still in the ground; he worked at the gas station when he was in high school in the 1960's and he doesn't remember the tanks being removed.

Contaminated Drinking Water: According to the Saturday, June 28th issue of the Mytown Gazette, several homes in Mytown tested too high for lead levels. However, the lead is not a problem in the city's water department; rather, it is a problem in the sample houses that were tested. Houses were selected for testing depending on the age of the house and its location. After the first test revealed the problem, Mytown sent letters to all homeowners to make them aware of the problem and how to fix it. City officials are confident that the next test will show an improvement. Part of the problem is that much of the plumbing in homes in Mytown is older, lead pipes. The water department told residents and homeowners how to prevent contamination in their own water. They advise that running tap water for 15-30 seconds before use can get rid of what lead is built up in the pipes. They also advised that people with lead pipes should always hire professionals to fix plumbing problems, rather than trying to repair the problem on their own.

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last updated: 2020-07-29