GEL 1007
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Note: These are examples of how to report a resources, your report should discuss more than two resources. (Your discussion should be more in-depth.)

Natural Resources

Water: In Mytown we to use groundwater for our city water source. Mytown has three wells (located as shown on map #1) on the south edge of town that are 269-299 ft. deep. The aquifer is a one hundred foot thick layer of sand and gravel that is protected by an overlying layer of clay that acts as a barrier to contaminants from the surface. The water is treated and the town has a special filtration system to remove the small amount of arsenic that is present.

Mineral resources: Big County has a good supply of construction quality sand and gravel, according to the ISGS mineral resources web site. The area has several gravel pits that are used by many construction companies and by the city. These are highlighted on map #1. (You could add more to this by discussing the value of the resource and why it is or is not being used. For a resource that is no longer being mined such as coal, you should discuss when it was mined and where.)

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last updated: 2020-07-29