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The United States relies primarily on petroleum, coal, and natural gas for our energy.  Should we contiue to do so, or should we change?  The assignment is in two parts:

Assignment 1: Prepare a summary paper discussing one source of energy and present it to the class. Presentations begin on Monday, October 14.

Assignment 2: Develop a sustainable/renewable energy plan for your home or for the state or for the country. The Paper is Due Friday, November 1

 A good way to start is to read the textbook (Chapters 19 & 20)  and use the resource page I have created.  RESOURCES

For additional resources, go to a search engine such as Yahoo! or Google and type in key words.  This will give you a lot of informationto discuss, so at that point you can read a few articles and decide on a focus or how to present an overview.  What are the most important points for the class to discuss?


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last updated: 09/30/13